Description- Jan Marini's Bioglycolic Face Cleanser gives a great and deep cleansing to the skin. It leaves the skin hydrated and soft while eliminating astringent and post-cleansing toner need.

 PCA Skin Pigment Gel is a spot serum treatment that enhances an even great skin and tone devoid of hydroquinone. It helps to take care of the skin and offers a skincare regimen extra-boost.

 PCA Skin Retinol, an anti-aging product, functions to enhance collagen production and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. It enhances the overall skin appearance while improving skin texture, aging, and dark spots.

 PCA Acne Gel is a product that clears already breakouts and avoids flare-ups later in the future with azelaic acids and salicylic. A special natural botanical blend helps to regulate the day-to-day production of oil for smooth skin.

 A PCA peel is a given chemical peel brand produced by PCA Skin. It is customized and designed for diverse skin types and issues. PCA Skin Professional Chemical Peels are incorporated with different ingredients and applied by PCA Skin licensed or certified specialists.

 These exfoliated PCA peels are designed to reduce aging, acne, and hyper-pigmentation by exfoliating skin dead cells while opening some new skin layers underneath.

 This formula and peel are for people who prefer even skin tones. Also, it is okay for individuals with no hydroquinone sensitivity.

 PCA professional skincare product is a brand that has been in existence for years. Since its launch in 1990, PCA Skincare has grown into a diverse set of products. The brand, founded by a dermatologist and esthetician in Arizona, helps PCA skincare customers or professionals provide the best skin health and science results.

 PCA Skin is the pioneer of Jessner's enhanced peel over the years. Over the past decades, the PCA chemical peels business has grown to include treating every skin condition, type, and ethnicities. Now, more than one million PCA Skin chemical peels are used annually in the world.

 PCA Skin class is an online training that offers several classes on all skin ingredients, condition, professional products, and daily care for people who can't make in person for the seminar. This online educative program lets you practice and learns simultaneously, take classes at your convenient time, and even repeat the missed class.

 The PCA Skin headquarters is located at 6710 East Camelback Road, Suite 220 & 230, Scottsdale, AZ 85251, United States.

 Before receiving treatment, I have been candid in revealing any condition that may have a bearing on this procedure, such as pregnancy (if so, consult your physician before treatment), recent facial surgery, allergies, the tendency to cold sores/fever blisters, or use of topical and oral prescription medications such as tretinoin, Retin-A®, Accutane®, Differin®, Tazorac®, Avage®, EpiDuoTM or Ziana®.

 I understand there are no guarantees as to the results of this treatment due to many variables, such as age, skin condition, sun damage, smoking, climate, etc.

 I understand I may or may not peel and that each case is individual. I understand that the amount of peeling does not correlate with the degree of improvement.

 I understand that although complications are very rare, sometimes they may occur and that prompt treatment is necessary. In the event of any complications, I will immediately contact the technician who performed the treatment.

 I agree to refrain from tanning in tanning beds or outdoors while undergoing treatment and during the 14 days before and following the end of treatment. This practice should be discontinued due to the increased risk of skin cancer and signs of aging.

 I understand that extended direct sun exposure is prohibited while I am undergoing treatment, and the daily use of sunscreen protection with a minimum of SPF 30 is mandatory.

 I have not had any other chemical peel of any kind within 14 days of this treatment. I understand I cannot have another chemical peel within 14 days of this treatment, whether it is performed at this location or any other location.

 I hereby agree to all of the above and agree to have this treatment performed on me. I further agree to follow all post-peel care instructions as I am directed.

Laser Equipment

 1. My friend, an aesthetician, brought my notice to this PCA Skin. I wasn't really aware of it. I am in my early 50s now; I must confess, this product has been great on my face since I started using it.

 2. I am picky about the things I use on my face. At first, I was scared. But now, I can confidently recommend this product to anyone. It has done some good on my face. I think I will continue to use it.

 3. This PCA skin cleanser is just amazing! Though it is costly for me, I am not regretting it. You can meet an aesthetician to be sure you are using the correct one for your skin.

 Los profesionales de la industria de la estética y tratamientos de belleza en general, además de contar con la formación adecuada para poder llevar a cabo las diversas técnicas suelen tener productos de excelente calidad para garantizar un buen servicio a sus clientes. Si tu eres parte de este gremio, o recién te incorporas te interesará saber cuáles son los productos aprobados para esteticistas profesionales.

 Algunos de los tratamientos mas solicitados en los centros de estética son los faciales. Hay una gran variedad, para todo tipo de pieles y utilizando las mas diversas técnicas y productos de primera calidad. Estos son los productos faciales que todo esteticista debe tener:

 Cosmetólogas y esteticistas suelen usar las marcas de productos de alta gama, dermatológicamente probados que se encuentran con frecuencia en comercios destinados a los profesionales del cuidado facial y demás tratamientos de belleza.

 La depilación es una técnica que no pasa de moda, hombres y mujeres tienen la posibilidad de acudir al esteticista especialista en depilación para remover los vellos de todo el cuerpo, desde la cara, las cejas, axilas, piernas hasta pelitos en los nudillos.

 Aunque es cierto que actualmente puede realizarse en casa, ir con un profesional permite obtener resultados de depilación avanzada, con productos esterilizados y aprobados para cada proceso.

 Para ello la esteticista debe tener a la mano todo lo necesario. A continuación una breve lista de todos los productos de depilación con los que cuenta un esteticista:

 La higiene y limpieza es fundamental, todo profesional en el área tiene la responsabilidad y la obligación de cumplir con las medidas sanitarias adecuadas para poder brindar un servicio de calidad.

 De hecho, durante su formación como esteticistas se dedica un tiempo considerable al estudio de la importancia de la higiene en las herramientas y zona de trabajo.

 Sin importar cual sea la especialidad de cada esteticista, estos son los productos de limpieza que todos los profesionales de la industria estética deben tener en su lugar de trabajo para esterilizar sus equipos:

 Actualmente hay una gran variedad de tratamientos especiales para las pestañas, como el lifting de pestañas, el teñido de pestañas o las extensiones en sus diversas categorías.

 Al ser técnicas novedosas y recientes pues tienen gran demanda, por ello los esteticistas han optado por incluir este procedimiento entre sus servicios. Si tu aun no conoces cuáles son los productos que debes tener siempre a la mano para realizar estas técnicas te lo contamos a continuación:

 Las nuevas tendencias han hecho de las cejas las protagonistas de muchos tratamientos y técnicas como el laminado, el Microblading y el Microshading, entre otros procedimientos para embellecer esta parte tan importante del rostro, por tal motivo, los esteticistas profesionales de hoy en día tienen una lista de productos indispensables, los cuales te mostramos a continuación:

 Como ya hemos mencionado, todo esteticista que trabaje en cualquiera de las áreas de tratamientos de belleza necesita uno o varios kits indispensables para llevar a cabo su trabajo, bien sea realizando depilación, colocando extensiones de cejas o aplicando un facial. Acá mencionamos los productos más esenciales:

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