Radiation and hormonal suppression are directly linked to penile atrophy as well. Hormonal suppression is a treatment used to stop the production of androgens, a hormone that can fuel prostate cancer cell growth. A significant decrease in penile length was reported in men who were treated with both radiation and suppression to combat prostate cancer. However, further studies need to take place in order to determine if radiation and hormone suppression alone can cause shrinkage, as the data collected was from men who were treated with both.

 Now that we know the potential causes of penile atrophy, what can be done about it? The treatment can be tricky as the most effective options are the most invasive, and costly. Cosmetic implants have been used to try to increase the length and girth of the penis, but these surgeries are not without risk. There is also the potential for a much less invasive option, penile filler. The same filler used to plump your face and lips can be used in your penis to increase size, but this mostly affects girth. To learn more about penile filler, check out our article here.

 Leading a healthy lifestyle can help to prevent penile atrophy. As aforementioned, weight gain can lead to potential shrinkage. Monitoring diet, regular exercise, and controlling the consumption of alcohol can help with weight making sure your gourd has room to grow.

 Having regular checkups and keeping in contact with a healthcare provider is always recommended and can help monitor the signs of penile shrinkage. After all, keeping open communication with your doctor can ensure that the only thing long and hard about this autumn is you.

 With Valentine's Day right around the corner, you may be getting ready to give your partner their annual blowjob. Or, if you're someone who enjoys frequent fellatio, it is always great to top off your technique. That's right; Popstar is back with tips (and not just the tip) on oral sex and different ways to give better oral to please your penis having partners.

 Every show needs an opening act! To get your partner from half mast to full, why not start with an OPTBJ (over-the-pants blow job.) Get them in the mood by kissing and sucking their penis through their underwear until they are fully aroused. Once your partner is erect and ready, unwrap them like a piece of V-Day candy.

 The perineum, known more colloquially as the taint or gooch, is the service region between the pubic area and your coccyx. The taint is a gateway to the g-spot or, in this case, the p-spot. A perineal massage can externally stimulate your prostate. A slight taint tickle or pressure on the perineum while you perform oral sex can turn your blow job into a woah job.

 It's simple math, my friends (but it also has nothing to do with actual math, don't panic.) Try the 69. Ariana Grande didn't write an entire song about it for nothing. The 69 position is where sexual partners align themselves so that each person's mouth is at the other's genitals. This position is fun for everyone involved. You can give and receive oral sex simultaneously, a win-win.

 The frenulum is where the shaft and the underside of the head of the penis meet. It's kind of like that bone song you learned in anatomy but sexier. The frenulum is incredibly sensitive and is not to be ignored. When performing oral sex on your partner, try teasing the frenulum (and the head of their penis in general) with your tongue and lips for added pleasure. Playing with just the head is a great way to warm yourself up for our following technique.

 This has nothing to do with going undercover or anonymously supplying information in a crime drama. Get your mind in the gutter. Deep throating can be challenging for BJ beginners, so it is wise to start slow. As we mentioned before, start with just the head as you slowly work your way down the entire shaft. There is some technique involved, and you will want to focus on your breathing to avoid your gag reflex. An intentional gag is ok and can even stroke your partner's ego. But if you are unintentionally gagging, you may be pushing your limits. In the wise words of Michelle Branch, Faith Hill, and Anna Nalick, "just breathe." Breathe and go deep. After all, go deep or go home. That's the saying, right?

 Yes, it is oral sex, but it isn't just a job for your mouth. Get your hands involved as well. Use your hands to stroke the lower half of your partner’s penis as you match the rhythm of your bobbing head. Perhaps the perfect blow job may even be a two-hand job, depending on how well-endowed your partner is. If you can fit another hand on, great. Even if it isn't necessary, you can stroke your man's ego while you stroke his shaft. Trust us; your partner will thank you for the full-out commitment.

 Big dick jokes; we've all heard them. Their dick is so big it has its own heartbeat. Their dick is like a baby's arm (one that I have always found disturbing). Their dick is so big they get lightheaded when hard. While lightheadedness is highly unlikely, these jokes don't only make penises rise; they raise questions. Do larger penises have a harder time getting hard? Could someone have a harder time filling their phallic tank if it is a little larger? Now before your run to a Big Dick Reddit thread, let us shed some light on the sizable schlong situation.

 While size may play a role in sex, it is virtually irrelevant when it comes to becoming and staying erect. Assuming you have normal blood flow and cardiovascular health, your size shouldn't matter regarding your ability to get or stay hard. So whether you have a cocktail weenie or a Costco quarter-pound plus hotdog, an erection should be the same. Unless, of course, outside factors exist. Erectile dysfunction may be the actual culprit. While many physical factors contribute to ED, some of it is all in your (other) head. If you have difficulty getting and staying hard, perhaps your chastity cages are mental. Depression, stress, and anxiety, whether performance-related or regular, all could play a part in why your tent is only half-pitched.

 We hope you all read that to the tune of Tina Turner's "What's Love Got to Do With It." I'm sure you’ve all heard that blood flow plays an essential role in erections long before reading this article, but do we know precisely how and why? Inside the shaft of a penis are two columns of tissue called the corpora cavernosa, which are full of blood vessels. When you become aroused, the arteries relax, allowing the blood vessels to expand and fill with more blood. This process expands the corpora cavernosa, and voila, you're hard! On average, it is thought that the average penis only needs around 4.4 ounces of blood to get hard. If you are above average, it couldn't take more than another ounce or so to achieve an erection. With over a gallon of blood circulating the adult human body at any given time, it is doubtful that a penis is so big that there isn't enough blood to fill it.

 Never to size shame, but you most likely aren't too large to stay hard. While you may be busting out of your pants, consider this myth busted as well. Suppose you are looking to go from soft sedimentary rock to diamond hard. In that case, there are many healthy lifestyle choices you can make to ensure a full erection, regardless of your gargantuan size! For more tips on how to workout your weiner, check out our exercises for a stronger erection!

 Testosterone is a crucial hormone that is vital in various aspects of a man’s life. Low testosterone can affect bone density, muscle development, overall mood, and libido. There is a menagerie of medical methods to increase testosterone levels, but did you know that there are ways to improve testosterone organically? Think of it like farm-to-table for your testes. Popstar is here with the tips (and a lot more than just the tip) on increasing testosterone levels naturally. Let’s take a look at taking a more holistic approach to your hormones.

 Holistically healing your hormones can be as simple as hitting the hay. Sleep is your best friend if you want to boost testosterone naturally. We like to say that you should get as close to your “solid 8” as possible. This means you should try your best to get eight hours of sleep each night. Quality sleep is paramount for your overall health. Studies show that sleep deprivation can significantly impact testosterone levels. If you want to help your cock, make sure you are counting sheep!

 Stress management is critical to a healthy level of testosterone. Chronic stress leads to elevated cortisol levels, which can suppress testosterone production. Finding healthy coping mechanisms for life’s stressors is crucial to healthy hormone levels. This is where the holistic “woo-woo” activities like yoga or meditation can come in handy.

 Believe it or not, too many Christmas cookies can directly affect your cock. A balanced diet leads to balanced hormone levels. Maintaining a balanced, nutritional diet plays a crucial role in hormone regulation. Foods with healthy sources of fats, such as nuts, avocados, and olive oil, are great for hormone production. With the holiday season in full swing, your healthy diet can go right out the window. Healthy diet habits throughout the year are important so you can indulge a bit during the holidays.

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 Exercise is also crucial to the adequate production of testosterone. Even if you aren’t a Turkey Trot kind of family, it is essential to build time for exercise in your schedule, not just during the holidays but year-round. Both aerobic and resistance training are associated with increased levels of testosterone. You will want to aim for a mix of cardio-based exercises like swimming or running with strength training like weightlifting. You heard it here: a pump at the gym can help your penis!

 Excessive alcohol intake can negatively impact testosterone levels. Like maintaining a balanced diet, limiting drinking can be challenging during the holiday season. The holidays mean parties, and parties often mean drinking. If you are dealing with low levels of testosterone, you may want to say no to that extra eggnog! Just like everything in life, drinking is best done in moderation!

 Put down the beer bottle and pick up the water bottle! Just like stress, dehydration can also lead to raised cortisol levels, affecting the production of testosterone. Hormones aside, hydration is crucial to just about every other bodily function. Adequate water consumption helps to regulate body temperature, keeps joints lubricated, prevents infections, delivers nutrients to cells, and keeps organs functioning properly.

 Tanning for testosterone? Who would’ve thought? Just like a plant, your penis needs water and sunlight. Well, not literally. This isn’t your sign to be tanning naked. Vitamin D is essential for testosterone synthesis. We all know the sun is a natural source of vitamin D, so it is essential to ensure you are spending time outside, soaking up the sun, but don’t forget your SPF!

 You have to socialize your schlong. This doesn’t mean bed-hopping, although who are we to judge? Positive social interactions and meaningful connections lower stress levels. We now know the lower the stress, the higher the testosterone. So, for the sake of your schlong, get out there and socialize!

 You don’t need crystals to holistically help your cock or build a zen garden for your balls. There are plenty of ways to increase your testosterone levels naturally. Everybody is different; therefore, the results may vary. That being said, adopting these healthy habits is excellent for your overall well-being. If you find that these holistic techniques for boosting T don’t work for you, contact your healthcare provider or friendly neighborhood urologist who can discuss medical treatments to boost your T that works best for you and your body.

 Most men wish they had a bigger penis, it's a fact. TBH, porn has given many men unrealistic expectations of what an average penis should look like. Penis size is a hot topic everywhere we look, and we wanted to address the ins and outs (so to speak) of making your penis bigger. While various methods and products claim to increase penis size, be forewarned that limited scientific evidence supports their effectiveness.

 Truth is, penis size is primarily determined by genetic factors, so blame your dad. While there are no guaranteed ways to get a bigger penis, there are some options including the following:

 Exercises such as Kegels, jelqing, and stretching exercises can help improve blood flow to the penis and strengthen the pelvic muscles. While this doesn't increase size when flaccid, it can lead to fuller, stronger erections.

 These devices are designed to stretch and lengthen the penis over time. Not surprisingly, they can be uncomfortable to wear and may not provide significant results. Plus, slow dancing with one on sucks. There are plenty on the market, but we stay steer clear...

 These devices use suction to increase blood flow to the penis, leading to temporary enlargement. READ temporary. While these devices are generally safe when used properly, they are known by some to cause discomfort and, if not used correctly, potentially can damage the penis.

 Penile surgery, such as penile augmentation or ligament release, is the only medical way to increase penis size. However, it's an invasive and expensive procedure with real risks and complications. If this is something you'd want to consider, talk to your urologist about all of the info, options, and risks.

 MOST IMPORTANTLY: Penis size does not necessarily determine sexual satisfaction or performance. Communication, intimacy, and sexual techniques are just as important, if not more important. Guess what? You most likely have a perfect dick; you can thank your dad.

 Hey there fellow fornicators! If this headline piqued your interest, chances are you're having a little trouble helping your partner reach orgasm. Join the club. We're here to share tips and tricks to help you make your partner orgasm so you both enjoy the ultimate pleasure together.

 While this may seem like a no-brainer, the brain has everything to do with it! It's surprising how many couples don't discuss what they like and don't like. Take a lot of time to have an honest conversation about what you like and don't like during sex. What turns you on or not so much. Encourage your partner to tell you what they like, and let them know you're willing to experiment to find out what works best for everyone.

 Many women require a lot of stimulation before they can reach orgasm, so don't rush things! Spend some extra time on kissing, touching, and other forms of non-penetrative stimulation to build up arousal. Get INTO it. Explore your partner's body, show them you appreciate it, and try different techniques to see what gets them going.

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